Ryan B. Moran, Attorney
Founder, Moran Law

““It’s an amazing feeling watching clients’ lives transform as they come out of crisis with a fresh start.””
Often times, when our clients first meet us, they’ve been beaten up by their creditors. They’re confused, scared, and somewhat lonely- at least as it pertains to the financial crisis they’re facing. Maybe you can relate.
It can be very isolating to face a mountain of debt that you’re powerless to tackle on your own. And that’s what I love most about what we do at Moran Law. I really love that we create the solution for you and so many people who are in these tough situations (pending foreclosures, wage garnishments, credit card debt, medical bills, repossessions, etc.).
And it’s an amazing feeling watching the lives of our clients transform as they come out of crisis with a fresh start.
Most of our bankruptcy clients are able to qualify for home and car loans within 2 years. That’s another thing we can help you do. We’re not just experts at helping you get out of trouble. We help you rebuild- fast.”
One of the criteria I’ve always had for our firm is that we surround ourselves with the smartest people to create a culture where everyone is excited to come to work and believes in what they’re doing.
I think we’ve achieved that here. I’m a smart, very capable attorney, but in many ways, my staff is way ahead of me. These are the sharpest and most committed attorneys I’ve ever known. I’m really proud of the team we’ve built. And I haven’t stopped at simply hiring the best.
I’m committed to constant improvement of our knowledge, processes, customer service, and business practices. We’re always improving every single day. And I can tell that our clients really appreciate the level of excellence we commit ourselves to with every single case.
Here’s the story on Ryan’s education and experience…
After graduating from law school, Moran worked in Chicago as an economic analyst for a bond-trading firm at the Chicago Board of Trade before deciding to open his law practice.
Moran received his J.D. from Michigan State University College of Law, where he received a full merit scholarship. He was also elected to the MSU Law College moot court board where he competed in the JMLS International Moot Court Competition in Information Technology and Privacy Law in Chicago, later serving as the board’s administrative executive assistant. While in law school, Moran also clerked in Washington, D.C., for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Office of General Counsel.
Moran received his bachelor’s degree in Finance and Business Economics from Wayne State University, where he graduated cum laude and was the recipient of the T. Norris and Vivilore Hitchman Endowed Scholarship for outstanding leadership and academics. Moran brings a real world perspective, strong communication skills, strong research ability, perseverance, compassion for his clients, and the strength to litigate difficult issues.