How Long After Bankruptcy Can I Get a Credit Card

To answer the question “how long should I wait after bankruptcy to get a credit card” there is no one-size-fits-all response. The answer is dependent on your unique circumstances. 

However, we'll offer you a basic idea of how long it takes to receive a credit card after filing for bankruptcy. Circumstances differ on different individuals. What it takes is talking to a credit counselor to better understand your situation and a possible way out.

After Filing Bankruptcy Can I Get A Credit Card?

The solution to this problem is not as straightforward as you may think. There are several factors that come into play such as the credit history before filing for bankruptcy and afterward.

Applying for a credit card after bankruptcy can make sense in certain circumstances. For instance, a credit card is a smart place to start if you're trying to rehabilitate your credit after bankruptcy. However, you'll need to be careful about how you use it. Make sure you only charge what you can afford to pay back each month and keep your credit usage percentage under 30%.

How Long After Bankruptcy Can I Get a Credit Card?

A credit card application typically takes two years to get accepted. This is because it will take some time for your credit score to restore. However, this rule has some exceptions, so it is important to speak with a credit counseling agency if you are wondering about your own specific situation.

How Soon Will My Credit Score Improve After Bankruptcy Is Removed?

This is a difficult question to answer, as it will depend on various factors. Generally speaking, your credit score should start to improve about six months after filing for bankruptcy. Again, however, this will vary depending on your specific situation. 

For more information, speak with a credit counseling agency in your area. However, it takes about two years to be approved for a new card in most cases.

How Can I Build My Credit Fast After Bankruptcy?

A common question is how those who have filed for bankruptcy can build their credit fast? You have a few choices for restoring and rebuilding your credit score after bankruptcy. 

  • One of the most efficient techniques is to obtain a secured credit card. A security deposit must be deposited to the card issuer is required for this card. Then it is applied to your credit limit. 

  • It would be best to try to keep your credit utilization ratio under 30% and pay your bills in full every month. 

  • Finally, you can also consider taking out a small personal loan and making all of your payments on time. 

For more information, speak with a credit counseling agency in your area.

At Moran Law Firm, our Michigan bankruptcy attorneys help good people through bad times. We provide our clients with professional Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.